The Trojan Women
Adapted and Directed by Leigh Strimbeck
Euripides’ play follows the fates of a group of women after their city has been sacked, their husbands killed, and any remaining family members doomed to enslavement. In this new steampunk, dystopian adaptation, the women of Troy are living in the aftermath of war in a refugee camp abandoned by protection and authority. As their conquerors send missives about death sentences for their children, the women must decide whether to listen to the raving Cassandra, or take matters into their own hands as they lament the loss of the land that reared them: the city of Troy.

Lexie Phillips as Helen in The Trojan Women, adapted and directed by Leigh Strimbeck at The Theatre Institute at Sage, 2013. Photo by Tamara Hansen.

Kyrie Ellison as Hecuba in The Trojan Women, adapted and directed by Leigh Strimbeck at The Theatre Institute at Sage, 2013. Photo by Tamara Hansen.

Cassandra sees the future; Kaleigh Cerqua as Cassandra, Margaux Boury as “Talty” in The Trojan Women, adapted and directed by Leigh Strimbeck at The Theatre Institute at Sage, 2013. Photo by Tamara Hansen.
Dates and Tickets:
The Berkshire Festival of Women Writers
Bard College at Simon’s Rock
Friday, March 22, 2013 7PM
Dates and Tickets:
The Phoenix Theatre Ensemble’s First Stories Festival
The Wild Project
195 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10009
For tickets: 212-352-3101
Saturday March 9, 2013 4:30PM
Sunday March 10, 2013 6PM & 8PM
All tickets, $20
Dates and Tickets:
The Theatre Institute at Sage
Troy Campus, The Sage Colleges,
James L. Meader Little Theater
February 28th, 2013 10AM, 7PM
March 1, 2013 Friday, 10AM & 8PM
March 2, 2013 Saturday, 8PM
March 3, 2013 Sunday, 2PM
For tickets: 518-244-2248
$10 Adults, $8 Students and Seniors